Lutheran Mission Matters Call for Papers: May 2025 and November 2025

Witnessing Cross-Culturally to a Chinese and Multi-Asian Population May 2025

The editorial committee of Lutheran Mission Matters (LMM), formerly Missio Apostolica, invites you to submit an article for the May 2025 issue on the chosen theme: Witnessing cross-culturally to a Chinese and multi-Asian population.
China is a global hegemon, and “China” literally means “middle kingdom,” the center of the world. Chinese language, culture, and thought continue to thrive and in our interconnected and secular age. From dim sum to feng shui, Chinese influence and immigration are long-standing and significant aspects of everyday North American society and culture.
Papers are invited on approaches and strategies for reaching Chinese and multi-Asian populations particularly in North America, and in urban and suburban areas, as well in university contexts and campus ministries. Articles are also welcome that consider missiology in Asia and for multi-Asian populations, mission and ministry in southeast Asia, the Philippines, and the far east, and missiology and best practices for witnessing and ministering to the global Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, and greater Southeast Asian diaspora.
Witnessing cross-culturally to a Chinese population and in Chinese and multi-Asian contexts includes theological and missional reflection and praxis on the religions and cosmologies of China and East Asia: Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, and animist-folk religions, as well as modern secular-materialist worldviews. Comparisons and connections are welcome between Christ and Buddha, Lutheran paradoxes and traditional yin-yang dialectics, wu-wei and possible connections to Lutheran conceptions of active and passive righteousness, Biblical kenosis, and emptiness and fullness.

Other topics to consider include:
• Multigenerational mission, American born Chinese and China and Taiwanese born Chinese;
• Challenges of sustaining culture, and fears over losing culture in diverse North America;
• Best practices on witnessing to Chinese and multi-Asian populations in North America;
• Constructive examples of Lutheran Chinese mission especially in campus ministry;
• Interviews with first, second, and third generation Chinese Lutherans and Christians;
• Historical theological overviews of the importance of China and Chinese worldviews;
• Chinese missionaries and ministries based in China active throughout the world;
• Christian and Lutheran mission in the Philippines and to Filipinos in North America;
• Hmong mission and ministry globally and in North America;
• Christian and Lutheran mission in Korea and Koreans in North America;
• Christian and Lutheran mission in Japan and to Japanese in North America;
• Lutheran mission with Chinese characteristics.

Papers are welcome in both English and Chinese or other primary languages.
LMM articles are generally up to 3,000 words in length, although longer articles will be considered. The deadline of February 2025 is negotiable.
Send your articles, mission observers and book reviews concerning the theme ‘Witnessing cross-culturally to a Chinese and multi-Asian population’ to the editor of the journal, Dr. Victor Raj ( with copies to the issue editor Dr. Joshua Hollmann ( and the Editorial Assistant at


《路德傳教事工》(LMM)前身為《使徒使命》(Missio Apostolica) 編輯委員會邀請您為 2025 5 月號提交一篇文章,主題為:向華人和多完亞裔人口進行跨文化見證。


























Submission Guidelines are included in each journal issue, and available on the web.
Lutheran Mission Matters is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year by the Lutheran Society For Missiology (LSFM). LSFM was founded thirty-three years ago with the purpose of providing a Lutheran perspective in the theological and practical working out of Christ’s mission to and in the world. Our publication is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database on the EBSCO platform, along with the full text of the articles. LMM articles are also available under the “Publications” tab on the Society’s web page at

Send your ideas and questions to the editor of the journal, Dr. Victor Raj (, with a copy to the editorial assistant at  If you wish to submit a manuscript, please consult our submission guideline found at the back of the journal or on this page.

Please let us know soon of your willingness to be part of this publishing effort.

In Christ’s mission to the world, and on behalf of the Editorial Committee,

Rev. Dr. Victor Raj

Editor of Lutheran Mission Matters.


Emerging Technologies and the Missio Dei Today November 2025

The digital revolution has transformed the world at an unprecedented pace. Nearly every aspect of our lives is now shaped by digital devices and technologies such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Emerging technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics and autonomous systems, biotechnology and gene editing, and brain-computer interfaces (BCI) promise to push us even further into a digital, technosocial future. These emerging technologies elicit theological reflection as they create new opportunities for mission and witness and because they have the potential to redefine for many what it means to live in the world, interact with others, and even what it means to be human. As the church navigates this rapidly evolving technological landscape, this special issue of Lutheran Mission Matters invites theologians, practitioners, ethicists, and technologists to submit papers examining the theological, ethical, and practical dimensions of these emerging technologies for the life and witness of the church today.

The following themes and topics are suggested for submission:

  • Emerging Technologies and Theological Reflection: How do emerging technologies impact theological concepts and understandings? What are the implications for doctrines like creation, providence, and human agency in a world increasingly shaped by machine learning and algorithms? As the boundary between physical reality/virtual reality and human/robot becomes increasingly obscured, what does this mean for questions of theological anthropology and ecclesiology?
  • Emerging Technologies and Mission Strategy: How can AI, VR, and other digital technologies be used to advance mission objectives? What are the opportunities and risks associated with using these technologies for evangelism, church planting, and global outreach, and how might they reshape traditional mission strategies?
  • Emerging Technologies and Ethical Considerations: How can emerging technologies like AI be used well and faithfully in ministry contexts? How might churches and pastors balance AI’s efficiency and insights with the need for human wisdom and discernment?
  • Emerging Technologies and Christian Education: How might AI and immersive technologies like VR and AR influence Christian education and formation? What might faith formation look like in this context? How can emerging technologies support or hinder spiritual formation and discipleship?
  • Transhumanism (Humanity+), Post Humanism, and Christian Theology: How should Christian theology respond to technological visions like transhumanism (Humanity+) that seek to overcome human limitations through technology? 

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Manuscript Length: Articles, including endnotes, should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words. Book reviews should be 650 words.
  2. Submission Process: Send your articles, mission observers, and book reviews concerning the theme “Emerging Technologies and the Missio Dei Today” to the editor of the journal, Dr. Victor Raj (, with copies to the issue editor, Rev. William Fredstrom (, and the Editorial Assistant at Please send book reviews to Dr. Joel P. Okamoto (
  3. Peer Review: All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process.
  4. Important Dates: Please submit final articles and book reviews by August 1, 2025.

In Christ’s mission to the world, and on behalf of the editorial committee,

Rev. Dr. Victor Raj

Editor of Lutheran Mission Matters